Working a 9 to 5, raising children and or taking care of elderly parents while trying to advance oneself in one’s career and trying to maintain a healthy balanced relationship with one’s spouse can seem anything but balanced. It’s hectic, stressful, overwhelming and even sometimes quite depressing.
People spend more time at their jobs than they do with their families and jobs require more from people than they can give due to low staffing and elimination of positions which are now 3 in 1, meaning 3 different job hats carried out by one person. How can anyone maintain a healthy balance without sacrificing something?! That something more than many is their own well being.
This is what Health Coach Marsha Roopchand-Walker experienced on her journey to wellness. She not only dealt with an unfulfilling job that took a lot of her time, she faced health issues and a strenuous relationship due to her health. But Marsha decided that enough was enough and she was no longer going to wallow in self pity and continue living with regrets.
She had a wake up call after being admitted to the hospital on her birthday that changed her life! After receiving a blood transfusion due to anemia and realizing that she couldn’t take herself to the toilet, her view on health changed forever!
Marsha began to slowly change her diet and began looking at food and their ingredients and began taking supplements, reading books and exercising. She discovered that bad food not only impacted our weight but our mental state as well as contributed to many reversible diseases today. This path led her into becoming one of the most sought out health coaches around.
Her book Transcendence: A Woman’s Guide on How to Heal, Discover Self-Love for Better Health, Happiness, and Abundance, is a self help book that teaches women to make themselves a priority by accepting and loving themselves as well as to living a healthier lifestyle by practicing intentional living! Grab your copy and begin your journey towards transcendence now!
Feathered Quill Review – ”Transcendence: A Woman’s Guide on How to Heal, Discover Self-Love for Better Health, Happiness, and Abundance is a meticulously written lifestyle tome that is chock full of practical and easy ways of cultivating your inner self.”
The Lost Chapter Book Review – “Transcendence covers many aspects of mental health and how to prioritize mental health in your life. This includes a shift of mindset, being more understanding and forgiving of yourself, and being more grateful for every blessing in your life.”
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